The Anglo-Danish Society

Centenary Gala Dinner - 6 December 2024 6pm-11pm

Photo of the Livery Hall provided by the Drapers’ Company. The table layout will be more formal at our event, so this is just to give you an idea of what the Livery Hall looks like.


Centenary Gala Dinner at Drapers’ Hall
on Friday, 6 December 2024 from 6pm – 11pm

We’re very proud of our heritage and the impact that our Society has had on our community during the last 100 years and we intend to celebrate in style. Naturally, we’ll also be toasting the future success of our Society, including our Scholarship Programme, for many more years to come.

This significant milestone will be celebrated by means of a Centenary Gala Dinner at Drapers’ Hall in the City of London and we would love to see you there. We are hopeful that one or more of our Royal Patrons as well as the Protector of our Scholarship Programme will be in attendance as our Guest(s) of Honour.

The doors open at 17.45 and upon arrival you will be met by several members of the Company of Pikemen & Musketeers, so the tone will be set from the outset. We start off the evening by enjoying a champagne drinks reception before moving into the grand Livery Hall itself for a delicious 3-course dinner with wines not to mention the entertainment and speeches. Naturally, there will be an Anglo-Danish angle to the entertainment and we are extremely pleased to announce that this will include Drummers from the Danish Royal Life Guards.

The dress code will be Black Tie and decorations.

Tickets are now available to members and their guests.

If you would like to take advantage of our early-bird offer, which is available until and including 31st July 2024, please sign up as soon as you can and make sure that you pay for your tickets by 31st July 2024 – early-bird tickets are £200 per person. As of 1st August 2024, tickets will be priced at £225 per person for members and £240 per person for guests.

Please sign up via e-mail to and remember to let us know of any dietary requirements. Payments for this event should be made by bank transfer to our account: Sort Code: 55-70-13, account number: 78325285. Please use your name and the event as references for your payment.

Cancellation policy: Please note that no refunds will be available after 20th October 2024.


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