The Anglo-Danish Society

Centenary Appeal

Centenary Appeal


2024 is the Centenary of the Anglo-Danish Society. It was founded 100 years ago to further relations between our two nations and is at the centre of the Anglo-Danish community, providing a wide-ranging annual programme of news and events that celebrates both cultures and appeals to a wide group of people who are interested in Anglo-Danish matters. Its membership is concentrated in London and the South East but it has members in Denmark, the rest of Europe and around the globe. It collaborates with other Danish organisations, and the main Anglo-Nordic groups, on events of mutual interest. To mark such a significant anniversary, we are celebrating the Centenary with a Gala Dinner on Friday 6th December at Drapers’ Hall in the City of London, that will be a very special occasion.


We have supported education since 1959 and our investment in the youth of our two countries continues today with its charitable Scholarship Programme that provides financial support to British and Danish postgraduate students with scholarships worth £3,500 each. This funding support makes a real difference to the Scholars by enabling research and facilitating a broader educational experience beyond a curriculum.


The Society relies entirely on the work and commitment of its volunteers, with no paid staff, no overheads and minimal administrative costs. To be able to continue supporting our community we need your help and any donations, regardless of the amount, will be gratefully received. However, if you are able to donate more than £200, we will include your name in the Gala Dinner Souvenir Programme in recognition of your generosity.


Bank transfer payments to NatWest, Sort Code: 55-70-13, Account No: 78325285 and please write DONATE100 as the reference.

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